discovery Partners
"...there does not exist a category of science to which one can give the name applied science. There are science and the applications of science, bound together as the fruit to the tree which bears it."
We believe that many of the best problems require a breadth of expertise and perspective that one organization will always be hard pressed to maintain alone. That's why we've cultivated relationships with industry leaders, highly specialized vendors and independent consultants so that we can field the best team possible to tackle our clients' problems. The list below is a sample of those relationships. However, we are always open to new ones. Give us a call if you want to team with an organization that believes in win-win scenarios - for its clients and its partners.
discovery biosciences is proud to be a partner in BioSyndicate - your one stop shop for all your consulting needs. More...
discovery biosciences works with Global Wonder, Inc. (formally, Tooned In) to provide quality animation and graphic services for the Life Sciences community. More...
discovery biosciences works with Microsoft to better integrate MS applications and services into the life science/discovery community. More...
discovery biosciences is proud to belong to the bioIT Alliance - dedicated to bringing standards-based tools to the desktop and enterprise. More...
discovery biosciences works with PivotalInfo to provide the highest quality Intellectual Property research (prior art, patents, etc.) and Market analysis. More...
discovery biosciences works with Avogadro Partners, a Northwest venture and investment banking group, to provide science, business and market intelligence to emerging companies. We are particularly focused on technology development firms. More...
Copyright © Discovery Biosciences Corporation, 2007