"The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet."
discovery biosciences
Let us help push your discovery mission into the future.
Next-Gen sequencing: What does it mean to you? Let our experts help you make sense of the claims and counter-claims of the various vendors and show you what it can mean for your discovery efforts - and budget. see more...
The BioIT Alliance: Our partner Microsoft wants you to use MS platform products (Office, Sharepoint, etc.) as components in your software and application development efforts for the life sciences. Let us help you understand why this may be a good idea for you. see more..
discovery biosciences announces its involvement with BioSyndicate, a new portal focused on helping you find just the right life-science industry specialists for your consulting or contracting needs. see more...
You are cordially invited to join Founder Tim Hunkapiller as he talks about the new generation of DNA sequencing as Microsoft presents BioIT Forum, April 19, 2007 in Mountain View CA. see more...
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